Kettlebells for warriors

Unless you've been living under a rock, then there is a good chance that you've heard of kettlebell training. While recently gaining media attention, the kettlebell has a been a training tool for the past century, having built some incredibly powerful physiques.

Kettlebells are rugged and primitive, and because of their odd shape and weight distribution, allow for a variety of movements that otherwise can not be done with traditional dumbbells or barbells. Their thick handles build super strong hands, wrists, and forearms. And the majority of the movements done with kettlebells target the muscles of the posterior chain - namely the hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors, and upper back.

For a fat loss aid and conditioning tool, not much else can deliver the goods like a heavy kettlebell. From complexes to long timed sets to interval training, a single 24kg kettlebell can bring many a strong man to his knees! Combat athletes would especially benefit, as the kettlebell has been called the closest thing to a fight without actually throwing a's just brutal.

Here are 5 of the best total body kettlebell drills for developing what Pavel Tsatsouline calls "android work capacity". Its one thing to be strong, but for fighters having the ability to express that strength over a period of several minutes (at least) is what really matters.

1. swings (one handed and two)

2. snatches

3. cleans

4. clean and press or jerk

5. turkish get ups

For building the strength and muscular endurance of a warrior, try doing timed sets of the above for 2 minutes a piece. 2 minutes of anything sounds easy, but with the "pitbull of strength training" in your hands and your heart rate through the roof with lactic acid surging through your body, 2 minutes will be quite the task!

Dustin is a combat readiness and muscle building expert. Check out the [] blog for more free articles, workouts and insider training tips!

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